Congratulations to our January OAKS Award winner, Terry. Our monthly OAKS Award recognizes “Outstanding Acts of Kindly Service.”

Terry was nominated for this award by her coworkers because she took quick action and reported that a resident was acting differently. That resident received the special care that they needed with a positive outcome.

Terry is a housekeeper at Crandall Medical Center and has been for a little over three months. Terry said, “I enjoy talking to the residents and making them smile or laugh. I like doing what I can to help them out.”

Terry described Crandall as a compassionate environment with staff willing to go the extra mile to benefit the residents. It is no coincidence that Terry’s compassion and willingness to go the extra mile is what got her this reward. It is employees like Terry that make Crandall and Copeland such a wonderful place to work and to live.

Thank you for all that you do, Terry!