Updated on May 6, 2020:
We would like to take an opportunity to update everyone on the developments of COVID-19 on our campuses of Copeland Oaks and Crandall Medical Center.
The NO VISITOR policy remains in effect. Sadly, we have confirmed Crandall resident and employee positive COVID cases.
Under the order of our Medical Director, Dr. Vrable, gifts and flowers cannot be delivered to residents of Crandall Medical Center and Copeland Oaks Assisted Living residents. This measure is in place to avoid the virus being spread, as it remains contagious for long periods of time on different surfaces. We empathize with families not being able to visit and now cannot express their love through sending of gifts… our hearts ache too. When Dr. Vrable feels it is safe we will reach out and let everyone know. Thank you for your understanding, continued support and prayers.
Please check the Copeland Oaks and Crandall Medical Center Facebook pages for regular updates.
At the very first threat of this pandemic we organized a team of staff members that meet on a daily basis in addition to communicating several times a day to discuss new developments of COVID-19, making a plan, implementing that plan and then often changing that plan multiple times based on recommendations from the Ohio Department of Health, the Mahoning County Health Department, the CDC, and our Medical Director, Dr. Thomas Vrable. Please know we were always a step ahead and surpassed the minimum guidelines relating to visitation, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and health monitoring of employees, vendors, and residents.
Through a joint effort by staff, vendors, community friends, and generous donations by board members, we have been able to acquire the appropriate amount of PPE and supplies. We are obtaining more each day. We are family here at Copeland Oaks and Crandall Medical Center. Keeping our family safe is our priority. COVID-19 is relentless, preying on the weak, those with compromised health, and the elderly. This virus has the advantage because typically with viral infections, a person doesn’t feel well and thus, restricts encounters with others. However, an asymptomatic COVID-19 individual continues to move around spreading the virus, and maximizing transmission. Researchers say that 25-50 % of people with COVID-19 are unaware. This makes it difficult to determine the actual percentage because typically asymptomatic people are not being tested.
Please pray for the residents and employees on our campus and for quick recoveries. We are here fighting, we are crying, we are pushing through and working as a team to get residents moved quickly in areas within our facility that will maximize their safety. We have been, and will continue to be 100 % transparent with our residents, families, and employees.
Our Copeland and Crandall family will be praying for your health and safety. Please pray for all of us.
Kind regards,
Copeland Oaks and Crandall Medical Center
Management Team