On June 21, Crandall Medical Center celebrated “The Longest Day”, a day that The Alzheimer’s Association designates to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s Disease. Fundraisers are held around the world on the longest day of the year to raise funds for research to hopefully someday soon find a cure for this Disease. Alzheimer’s Disease currently affects 5 million people nationwide, 220,000 of them being Ohioans. In Ohio alone there are more than 600,000 family members/caregivers that assist those affected. 

During Crandall’s fundraiser they proudly earned almost $900 dollars to be donated to The Alzheimer’s Association. There were raffle baskets, entertainment and refreshments, the theme was featured around blowing bubbles, ‘to blow Alzheimer’s away’. Thank you to staff, families, friends and residents who attended!! It was a wonderful day in honor of all those who are fighting, or have fought this ugly disease.